Our writing services focus on supporting clients as they move through the grantwriting process. Our consultants have assisted with a diverse group of grant applicants and granting agencies, including the U.S. Department of Education, the National Science Foundation, and The Duke Endowment.
Our services range from facilitating the grant application process through planning activities and discussions among partners, to reviewing, writing and/or editing sections of the proposal itself. We strive to work closely with our clients to develop the strongest possible proposals--while maintaining an authentic relationship between the final product and the client's own vision and goals.
As applicants search for grants and assistance with their writing processes, we recommend the list of resources maintained by The American Society of Grant Professionals (ASGP), as well as the ASGP's useful links related to grant scams.
For more information, contact us at aoverbay@evaluationconsulting.net or 704-931-9095.